Friday, February 12, 2016

Flashback Friday

The Harrison kids grew up with the "party rules." Before we took them to a birthday party (and we did that a LOT), we always went through a litany of family "party rules," which were common sense rules of how to conduct oneself at a little kid birthday party. The cardinal party rule was to remember that "it's the birthday girl's (or boy's) day" so be extra nice to her, don't hog the limelight, don't eat your cake before she does, etc. etc. etc. So here I have a picture I found from a birthday party that Mary attended at Peppermint Gymnastics in Racine. And do my eyes deceive me or has been Mary been caught on film BREAKING THE PARTY RULES??! Here's Claudia the birthday girl opening her presents, and while all the other kids seem to be politely watching, Mary is kneeling in the front of the group and doing her best (and not very impressive, either) impression of a class clown. BUSTED for hogging the limelight?!!! Or wait. . . . . maybe she was just singing for her supper (cake)?! Hmmmm . . . . . I guess we'll never know for sure. But it's highly suspicious!

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