Thursday, August 25, 2016

Week at a Glance

Peter and Jessa seem to be getting settled nicely in their apartment and at school. We had a Skype chat with them the other day and saw their apartment (and Peaches) in the daylight and it (and she) looks great! They're busy getting ready at school and awaiting the students' arrival, which will be the middle of next week. Above is the bus that the school provides for teachers to get back and forth.
Look who I met while gardening over the weekend! He was really big; I'm not sure that the picture does his (her?) size justice so you'll just have to trust me.
John and Troy invited us to dinner last night at Union Loafers, a bread-lovers paradise. They do pizza once a week. It was our first time to have it and it's heavenly. Even though the night started on a small downer after Troy ran over a screw and got a flat tire, it finished off great with some delicious food and tasty beer.
And Troy brought us some Civil Life Brown, from their first-ever canning run last week. Civil Life brought in a portable canning company and they canned a whole bunch of beer and sold it straight out of their brewery. It's their most popular beer and I think the cans look great!

1 comment:

  1. Brown beer is my favorite and that pizza looked really good!
