Monday, October 10, 2016

Weekend Visitor

Mary flew back to DC this morning. It was great having her home! After we picked her up on Saturday morning, the three of us went over to WashU to see the pregame show for Sunday's debate.
It was pretty much as you might expect, with structures being set up all over the campus for the news providers to broadcast from.
I think Mary's observation was the best: she said it looked like the political version of College Game Day.
This was as close as the security guards would let us get to the actual debate site. Fun fact: WashU has hosted more presidential debates than any other school (this was its fifth since 1992). And the cost? I read that this year's debate will cost the university between four and five million dollars!
Enough of that. We went over to Soulard and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon in John and Troy's courtyard.
Little did we know it was a special day: three years to the day since Sirius was adopted by John and Troy. Such a momentous occasion got him a big treat from Troy!
With such nice weather, Allie showed Mary around our neighborhood. And look what Mary helped her find! Allie hasn't figured out who or what is living inside that tree, but she's intrigued!
Troy and John were over on Sunday and while Troy took advantage of the weather, she was guarded by Allie and kept company by Sirius.
Sirius was getting ready for the Packers game, which as you can see is quite an exhausting activity.
No more photos, but we had a nice family day together on Sunday with dinner outside and a trip to Culver's at the end of the day. Plus a family Skype call with Peter and Jessa in the afternoon. (They are doing great and getting ready for their October break trip to the Canary Islands on Saturday.) We were sad to see Mary go but oh so glad she decided to spend a couple of days with us!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a nice weekend! How come I never see Sue with the birthday crown on her head?
