Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ikea to the Rescue

When our kids were growing up, there were three sure ways to torture them. The first was to take them to a real estate Open House. The second was to take them to our favorite nursery/home store in Racine, called Milaeger's. And the third way was to take them to Ikea. (Of course now that they're grown, they take themselves to Ikea and it isn't torture at all.) But when we lived in Poland and discovered Ikea, they felt so abused every time we went that I'm sure they would have called Child Services on us if they could have. Anyway, after many years of not having shopped at Ikea, we made a return trip last weekend to rescue our living room from dark and overbearing curtains. We didn't want to spend a lot on curtains for a rental, but the room is so pretty we wanted something to do it justice. I found the perfect solution online at Ikea and we visited our local store to buy them in person. Above you can see the before (on the right, though it's a bad photo and they looked much worse in person) and after (on the left).
The curtains were all too long so it was a group effort to sew them to size. Brad was in charge of measuring and cutting. 
My job was ironing . . . . .
. . . . . and sewing.
By the end of the day we'd finished them all.
And we're quite pleased with how they turned out.
They make the room light and airy. We could have spent much more and not have been half as pleased. Ikea, you really came through for us.
But wait a minute, I can't do a blog post just about curtains! So I'll add a picture of Mary and Andy from a wedding they were at over the weekend. Much as I like our new curtains, these two are much cuter, in my completely biased opinion.

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