Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mary's St. Louis Tour

Even though by my count this is Mary's fifth visit to St. Louis, it's her first in warm weather and her first where we have a lot of extra time on our hands. So ….. she requested to see some of the sights in town, and we're doing the best we can to comply! Last week she and I went to the Anheuser-Busch brewery for their tour. Outside of the brewery is one of the 250 birthday cakes that are all around town, in honor of this being St. Louis' 250th year as a city.
No visit to St. Louis is complete without seeing Sirius! He came over on Sunday to help celebrate Mary's 22nd birthday (a couple of weeks after the fact).
Sirius brought John and Troy along with him too! (The puppies stayed home.)
The birthday girl had 22 candles to blow out.
While she looks determined, I'm here to tell you she couldn't blow them all out.
Our birthday girl, looking beautiful as ever.
Monday found us back at a local favorite, The Boat House. It's a restaurant in Forest Park, with tables overlooking a beautiful lake setting. We took in the fantastic weather while enjoying our lunch under their verandah. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are getting some quality time together and well deserved at that.
