Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our Move is in Progress (sort of)

When the moving company who came out to give us a quote this week told me, with astonishment, that we seem to have 9000 pounds less than we had when we moved here from Connecticut, I was thrilled. I've been filling boxes for the Vietnam Veterans as fast as I can, and we also gotten rid of a lot of larger things this fall before Brad left. This picture is from a small pickup last month. There's a pickup for next week that's three to four times this size waiting in the garage. And hopefully still more after that.
Our move in progress also means getting the house ready to sell. In our case that means having our house painters in to tidy things up, as well as assorted other contractors. Allie seems to like them and I can even leave the house with her and the painters home alone together—huge progress for an anxious dog.
As for me, when I'm not downsizing our belongings I'm catching up on some projects that I'll be less likely to do once I get to California. One of those is to finish covering a few washi boxes.
I'm doing six small boxes in total. These are awaiting glazing. The ones above are in the cabinet already, with waxed paper between the lid and the box so they don't stick together while the glaze is still curing. Brad arrives home Friday night and he'll help with painting and the like. Oh, and of course we'll take a break on Sunday afternoon to watch the Packers.

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