Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pet Parade

We loved getting to see Sirius when we were in Colorado! He's a great dog, even if he does like to get into mischief. For example, a few days after we left and while John and Troy were at work, he snagged a pork shoulder that was thawing on the kitchen counter. Since it was too much to eat in one serving, he stashed it away in a safe place to finish later. The safe place he chose to stash it: under the covers of John and Troy's bed. (Miraculously—but not surprisingly as he has an iron stomach—he didn't get sick.)
While we were in Colorado, Tikka and Mary and Andy were melting in DC. Though apparently Tikka wasn't melting all that much, as she seems to like basking in the sun—even when it's hot and humid.
Meanwhile in Philadelphia, Peaches did her best to assist with the unpacking ..... and proving that the best things in life are empty boxes.
And at home in Long Beach, Allie simply enjoyed another morning walk around the neighborhood!

1 comment:

  1. When did they find out he had hidden it in their bed?
