Thursday, May 21, 2020

Still Here, But Heading Home Very Soon

It's been a long week. On Friday, at the suggestion of her doctor, I took Aunt Joyce to the emergency room again. Fortunately, her tests were normal and she got sent home. I'm glad she got sent home because then on Saturday, I picked up Uncle Kelly from skilled nursing. After being away from home for over a month, he was very happy to be back. Ever since then, we've been transitioning to their new normal at home with full-time caregivers. In addition to getting the caregivers settled in, we've had a practically nonstop parade of nurses and therapists through the house, and also doctors over video, so there's never a dull moment around here. Uncle Kelly is still weak but we're hoping he'll keep building strength and stamina.
Yesterday I took the "day off" and drove up to San Juan Capistrano to see my mom and Kelle. We had a fantastic physically distanced day together. 
On Saturday I'll leave these two in the hands of their competent caregivers for the time being. (Though I'll be back next month for a couple of days, and thereafter every few weeks.) There are still struggles, and I think there always will be, but my aunt and uncle are where they've always wanted to be at this point of their lives: in their own home.

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