Thursday, January 15, 2015

Putting Away Christmas

The other night I gathered most of the Christmas decorations and put them in one central place to make packing them up easier. It was so pretty I thought it deserved a picture.
As I was packing up, I kept noticing that the decorations looked just as pretty all boxed up as they did when they were out for Christmas. And so, this post was born!
These are just three Polish glass ornaments, but set in their own wooden box they have a special appeal.
These regular old American ornaments look almost as pretty in the box as they did in a bowl.
Even though these Polish ornaments aren't real eggs, they're just about as delicate. (I've broken my share over the years, so believe me I know.) This year I didn't break any ornaments at all - woohoo!
I love this painted wood tree from Poland. Enough said!
This is one of my favorite ornaments from Poland. There's so much detail it looks good enough to eat.
But of course not all of our favorite Christmas decorations come from Poland - far from it. A lot of them bear this Racine label, which the kids will recognize.
I'm still not done putting everything away - but almost! It's taking me longer since we have to carry all the boxes up (and down) our attic ladder - and I'm trying to arrange things so that none of the boxes is very heavy. The ornaments are off the trees and all I have left are a few decorations to pack up - tomorrow. In the meantime, as you can see Allie as usual figured out that if she wants to get my attention, she needs to place herself right in the middle of all the action!

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