Tuesday, December 18, 2018


What with all those St. Louis posts, I got behind with the rest of my blog stories from December. So this is a big catch up post! First up are Peter and Jessa, who ran a 5k the weekend before last.
As you can see, it was a color run.
This is them with their group.
Brad and I went to his office Christmas party the weekend before last. (Please don't ask about the woman in middle.)
The next day we went to my mom's house to help with some things to get ready for her upcoming move. (And also to give some TLC to Simba, which Brad is really good at doing!)
 Simba was in a playful mood!
 My brother Steve was in town to help Mom with her moving preparations.
It was fun to get to drive his Nissan Titan rental! Lest you think I was just posing, I drove this beast to dinner.
Finally, John was in Colorado last week to go house hunting. He stayed with Kathy and Don. Their dog Watson did his best to fill in for Sirius.
Finally, John and Kathy. And that's it for the rest of December! Next up after this week's Flashback: Peter and Jessa and Mary come to Long Beach for Christmas!

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