Thursday, September 26, 2019

Market Day

Yesterday I had the best time at the Santa Monica Farmers' Market, which is held twice a week downtown. Above is a map, so you can see it's big, but not huge. The market was everything I'd hoped it would be, which basically means lots of great and interesting produce, virtually all of which was organic and grown by the sellers. Even though it was a hassle to get up there (because I wanted to arrive when the market opened at 8:00 a.m., the 30 miles took me two hours—but to come home it was only 45 minutes), the driving was well worth it. So here are a bunch of photos, none of which need narration—just lots of lovely farmers' market stuff. (If you saw my Instagram story yesterday, I tried not to do any repeats from it.)



1 comment:

  1. That is amazing! How do you walk away without buying everything?
