Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Pictures of Mary, But After That Beware of Gardening Pictures

Yesterday after school was The Bald and the Beautiful.  It's a Student Council event that Mary ran this year and last.  Last year only boys volunteered to get buzz cuts, but this year three girls did, as well as one male teacher (with a pony tail).  In addition to them, lots of boys got buzz cuts and a few girls did Locks of Love.  It ROCKED!  There were around 250 kids and teachers in the gym to watch the haircuts, which took almost two hours!  (It took so long since the Locks of Love haircuts are more time-consuming than a buzz cut.)  This year the event benefitted a girl at their school who has cancer.  The above picture is Mary helping to buzz the teacher who is the Student Council advisor.  (He's not the one with the pony tail.)  To the left of Mary is our friend Karen, who was one of two professional hair cutters who donated their time to the event.
This is Mary getting interviewed by a reporter from the local newspaper.  See the bleachers in the back of the photo which are tucked away?  On our side of the gym that same amount of bleachers were pulled out, and they were packed with people.
Now onto gardening! The strawberry plants are loaded with blossoms.  We'll have strawberries soon!
The rhubarb came back nicely and we had our first harvest.  I think it is such a pretty plant.
Last year we planted onions and garlic, and without a doubt we failed miserably.  The garlic barely grew (probably should have planted in the fall?) and the onions didn't grow big enough to use.  But . . . . this spring the garlic all came back and so did the onions that I missed when cleaning up in the fall.  Those onions that I "harvested" last year I put in a bucket in the garage.  I proceeded to forget about it until today.  Some of the onions in the bucket were too mushy to plant, but the ones that were nice and firm (see above) I just put right back in the ground (with plenty of room to grow).  Fingers crossed that things will be better this year!
Last week I finished laying down stone in front of these benches.  Before, all that was there was dirt and, as a result, weeds.
Today, Mary and Brad decided it was time to hang the hammock.  Mary decided to break it in with some reading and a little nap.  As you can see, Allie stayed nearby.
Allie loves to be outside when we're outside.  This is a favorite spot of hers.
The bleeding hearts are so pretty.  I just love them. 
I really like the irises too.  Today we saw the first blossoms.  After our beautiful morning (I took all the above pictures today), it started raining and now there's a storm going through.  That lets Brad come inside to continue work on his powder room makeover project.  Mary's at lunch with a friend, and tonight she's working at a Democratic Town Committee fundraiser.  As for me, I'm crossing my fingers that the storm will pass on through  . . . .   

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