This move (and living in a hotel)(and not having my computer) has me off my game ..... and my poor little blog is suffering. ("A blog cannot live by Flashback Fridays alone.") Today I will try to catch up a bit. First up is John, who spent the afternoon with us. Included in our day was a trip to the home brew store to pick up some supplies.
I don't have a picture of Peter from this week. But I do have a screen shot from his latest victory over me in Letterpress. He beats me every time but I still love to play. It's a great game.
Nor do I have a picture of Mary, but I do have this picture of Condoleeza Rice that Mary took. Mary saw her speak this week (she works at Stanford) and texted me this picture. Yet another example of the cool things that are fairly common on a college campus.
I bet Peter cheats!