Thursday, May 16, 2024

Harrisons Mostly on the Go

Peter, Jessa, and Rosie spent a day in New York City last weekend. The look on Rosie's face screams "I Love New York"!

They met up with college friends and enjoyed some outdoor time on a beautiful spring day.

Rosie's still getting mileage from her dad's old jean jacket. She enjoyed her first Mother's Day with her mom.

Meanwhile, Mary and Andy flew to Moab, Utah for the wedding of a Stanford friend. The bride is of Indian descent so Mary got to wear a sari. This was from a dance party the night before the wedding.

This was the day of the wedding.

They stayed an extra couple of days and hiked at Canyonlands and Goblin Valley.

Meanwhile in Arizona, we spent Mother's Day in Sun City with Geneva and Barry and Wendy.

Back to everyone's regular schedules on Monday, Lloyd played at daycare.

Meanwhile, I kept my Aunt Joyce amused at the doctor's office by pointing out that we were dressed like twins (black tops, khaki pants) so we took a photo. 

I thought I'd close with a morning photo from today. The mornings are beautiful this time of year. 


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