Saturday, June 8, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend

Brad's mom was here for Memorial Day weekend. We went to an evening Pops Concert. The weather was lovely and so was the music.

We also got in the pool for the first time this year. And by "we" I mean Brad and Geneva. It was still too cold for me. But things have since warmed up and I've been in.

Lloyd has discovered cycling, at the tender age of 18 months. And by cycling, he has a bike (above) that he stands astride and he walks with the bike beneath him. And I'm told he'll walk for blocks!

Lloyd has also started to show an affinity for his namesake Grandpa Lloyd's favorite team, the Yankees.

On the east coast, Mary and Andy had a busy long weekend. First, Peter, Jessa, and Rosie came to Baltimore for a visit.

They all had a picnic and met up with friends.

The next day Mary and Andy went to Long Island for a wedding of one of Mary's college friends. And just like that, it's summer!

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