Wednesday, August 21, 2024

More From Denver

Even though we're home from Denver, I have a few more pictures to share. Including one of many that I took of Lloyd on his bike. That boy really likes bikes.

Here's a picture of Freddie doing what he does best: snoozing. Freddie's doing great. During the two weeks we were there he shed his supplemental oxygen and he continued to gain weight. He's over seven pounds, and climbing!
What a sweet guy.
Lloyd likes bikes big and small. In addition to having his own set of wheels, he has a passenger seat on both of their cargo bikes. This was a day when we went to City Park.
On their other cargo bike he got to ride with a fellow passenger for the very first time. He looks skeptical, but we had fun.
He really enjoyed our time at City Park.
So did Freddie. It was his first day at a park, ever! Thanks to Troy he rode in comfort. 
Freddie had his second park outing on a different day when we met the Kidds at a neighborhood park.
We didn't see much of John or Lloyd that day as they were doing this most of the time.

Lloyd would sometimes come down to our apartment to hang out. He liked to sit on the chair and watch the people and dogs.
Speaking of dogs, Sirius may be getting up in age but he still has his priorities as the #1 guarder of babies.

When Freddie isn't snoozing, he can be quite alert. He's a calm baby.

Lloyd likes to help. He and Grandpa cleaned the table one night before dinner. 

Lloyd's also fascinated by laundry. One day he came down to our house and watched the machines wash and dry the clothes.
Even though Lloyd's an active guy, he also likes to read books.

He likes to be independent and isn't a big hand holder, but I'll take what I can get.

It was fun to be neighbors of these two sweet boys and their parents for a couple of weeks.

No sooner had we left than Lloyd started a new adventure: his first day to start his first full school year of daycare. Here he is on day one.


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