Thursday, September 5, 2024

I'm Totally Burying the Lede

Agnes is one of the two best cared-for cats in Warsaw. And as you can see, the trauma of their long trip over from Philadelphia hasn't left any scars.

The same goes for Lola, the other best-cared for cat in Warsaw. It seems like both koty are adjusting nicely to their new home.

Speaking of adjusting nicely to her new home: Rosie's Tour de Warsaw continues. Last week she went on her first tram ride.

She and Jessa also visited the jewel of Warsaw: Royal Ĺazienki Park.

Rosie starts daycare next week, which will make her a local - no longer a newcomer. In one of her last Tour de Warsaw stops as a newcomer, she went out for cookies and tea with her mom.

Meanwhile in Denver, Freddie's bulking up. Last week he gained 8 ounces and this week he gained 12 ounces. This preemie is tipping the scales and busting out of his newborn clothes!

Freddie's got his eyes on his big brother. When I see him do that he reminds me a lot of his dad at that age.

Here in Tucson it's all about hummingbirds. We always have some around, but they're migrating through and now we have a lot around. I've gone from filling the feeders every 2-3 weeks to now having to add 4 cups of nectar every day.

In one of our backyard nests we have a couple of hummingbirds babies. 

Wait, did someone say BABIES?! Because yep, there's another Harrison grandbaby on the way! Mary and Andy are expecting and we couldn't be more excited. Due date is March 27! Above is little baby Phelps, making his or her (we'll find out which when s/he arrives) blog debut!


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