After our time in California, Brad flew to Baltimore and closed on our first ever second home. While he was there, Baltimore got some snow and bitterly cold temps. He spent three weeks getting the house furnished and put together. I've yet to see it in person but I'm looking forward to a trip there in just a couple weeks.
Meanwhile, I drove home to Tucson. After a few days I was joined by our Wisconsin friends, Mary and Paul. They stayed at our house for three nights and we had a wonderful visit.Meanwhile, the grandkids kept busy. Lloyd played peek-a-boo.And he kept the bear well-nourished.
Freddie turned 6 months old and he started eating solid food.
Meanwhile over in Warsaw, Rosie worked on her standing too. Standing tall, that is, in an amazing outfit.
Slowly but surely the dark winter days in Warsaw are getting longer and lighter. But while it's still winter, Rosie's learning that a little pink - or in her case a lot of pink - really brightens up one's outlook.
Finally there's grandchild #4, who will make their appearance in about two months. Mary's 32 weeks along. She and Andy got to see a lot of Brad while he was in Baltimore as he stayed with them for two weeks. And our new place is just a few blocks from their house. Here is Mary, out to breakfast with Brad. It worked out that while he was there she had one holiday, around two snow days, and some late starts due to weather. Next month we'll be in Baltimore as we're hosting a baby shower with Andy's parents. And with that, I'm considering January to be caught up!
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