Friday, August 19, 2011

Flashback Friday

As I mentioned last week, our 25th wedding anniversary is coming up. Here's a look back to the day it all started, August 23, 1986.  I chose this picture because it reminded me of our beautiful reception overlooking the ocean in San Clemente, and what a gorgeous day it was.  But let's face it, every wedding event that weekend overlooked the ocean - the rehearsal dinner, the church, and the reception.  With perfect weather, San Clemente was a perfect place for a perfect wedding.  Coming up next week:  the final installment of my look back to 25 years ago.  But before I close  . . . . I couldn't have this week's Flashback without mentioning that August 23 is near and dear to our hearts for two reasons.  The other reason is that exactly six years after we got married there was another big event on August 23, and her name is . . . . . Mary!  Someone's turning 19!!!

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