I found the Garment District completely by accident (it's just south of Times Square), but after I found it I wandered all around, amazed by all the specialty shops. I have read that it's "not what it used to be" but it's still pretty amazing. Here are some highlights from my walking:
This was the first button and trim store I found. I was just walking around and had no idea I was near the Garment District. Then I started seeing these kinds of stores all over the place. I walked block after block and it was astounding how many stores there were. Inside this one was unimaginable supply of buttons and every sort of trim. When a salesperson asked, "can I help you?" all I could manage to say was, "I'm just trying to take it all in!"
A window display showing some of the selections at a different buttons and trim shop.
A window display of a shop selling hardware for clothing and purses.
This store also offered embroidery products.
One of many fabric stores. The fabrics they sold were for garments. (So Mom, no quilting fabrics.) In the entire Garment District, I only saw one store that specialized in fabric for men. The bent was definitely toward women.
If you click on this photo you can probably see the detail. In this window, you can see the woven labels sold in this store. The labels are designer labels. So if you like, go and make yourself a dress and buy a label from your favorite designer to sew in your dress. Who knew knockoffs could be this easy?
Speaking of dresses, there were also many shops that sold finished garments, many only wholesale. I thought this one was deserving of being in the blog. Definitely one of the more outlandish.
Every dress needs a hat. Interestingly, I think this was the only hat store I saw. (But what a hat store it is.)
I think the sign says it all.
As I was chuckling at yet another spandex store, I was quickly sobered by the very next storefront:
9/11 memorials show up all over the place, usually when you least expect it. Practically every firehouse in the city has one.
Enjoying your pictures from NYC. I can't wait to go back some day. The garment district seemed pretty interesting.