This weekend some of the Harrisons were traveling, while the rest of us were just doing our usual stuff. Peter was in Denver visiting his girlfriend Kayla. It looks like the weather was perfect for a Rocky Mountain hike.

I don't know if I could get used to the kind of snowy climate where snow doesn't necessarily mean you need a coat! (Okay, maybe I could .....)

Last night Peter and Kayla went to my sister's house for dinner. Here they are with Peter's cousin Lauren, who was home visiting from the University of Colorado.

And here they are with Lauren, my sister Kathy, and her husband Don.

A little farther to the east, John and Troy spent the weekend visiting friends in Chicago. I texted John and asked him to send me a picture of him and Troy. This is what he sent. Yes, he is a smart aleck.

Okay, this is more like it. This is John and Troy at Goose Landing Brewery in Chicago. You can always be sure that wherever they go, John and Troy will learn something about beer on their trip.

And a bonus picture. Kids who send their mom photos knowing she'll put them on her blog are the best kind of kids! (This, by the way, applies to all the Harrison kids - and two girlfriends - without whose cooperation this blog post would not exist!)

Back on the Farm, Mary spent the morning eating a giraffe-shaped pancake. Her band section had a section breakfast and it appears that the giraffe pancake was her most memorable (and I believe only) photo from the weekend. (But no doubt tied with the band breakfast for most memorable EVENT of her weekend were two dinners out with her good friend Veronica and Veronica's parents, who were in town visiting.)

Mary also shared this picture, taken by one of the official band photographers at a football game last season. With pictures like this, the band photographers could make a mint if they only got the band parents on their email list ......

Here in Saint Louis, Brad and I went to a mall and did a little shopping. We took this picture of Brad in a camo-inspired recliner in a Cabela store. It was one of those "you had to be there" moments, but we got a chuckle from the camo motif. I guess we never there was such a thing as camo fabric for furniture. We learn something new every day .....

Then at a nearby Marshall's we found this great football chair and footstool. If only it were a little larger .....

But the most memorable part of our weekend was a visit to our future home to take measurements and pictures. It's a simple little house in a beautiful neighborhood and we're excited to move in next month. It will be great to get our life started in St. Louis, and of course what will truly make this house our home ..... will be when our kids and their friends visit!
Very nice! The pancake picture was the best!