Earlier this week Mary traveled to Las Vegas to play in the band for the Pac 12 men's basketball tournament. Thanks to a generous daughter, I can share some photos, debunking the oft-stated maxim that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
I'm told this is a mellophone player doing a regular routine that they do when the game gets close. (Stanford lost in an overtime "thriller" to ASU, per the Stanford Daily; we don't have our cable hooked up yet so I can't give a firsthand report.) For my purposes it's yet another example of "that crazy Stanford band."
After the loss the band traveled (they flew) back to campus. But before leaving there was still time to walk up and down the strip. This is Mary with a few of her tenor sax band mates and a couple of celebrity impersonators. (She and I both apologize in advance for the inappropriate hand gesture by the Alan from the Hangover impersonator.) After 20 hours in Las Vegas she's back at school and in finals. Winter quarter finishes up next Friday. Once that's done she has a few days in Yosemite, Easter in Saint Louis, and spring quarter in Spain to look forward to!
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