This morning we got on the bullet train from Madrid to Toledo (about 45 miles) and we arrived there lickety-split in about half an hour. A short walk from the train station and the beautiful medieval walled city of Toledo awaited us. It's over 1000 years old, has at times been a capital city, and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is Mary and Brad in one of the many plazas of this splendid old city.

We learned that Toledo is known for its Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities, which even co-existed during a part (though a small part) of its history. There are many religious structures in the city. This is Mary and Brad in front of the cathedral.

We also visited a mosque that's over 1000 years old .....

..... as well as a temple that's around 800 years old. Inside the temple we met a monk who is in an order called Fraternity Mary Morning Star. His order seeks to repair divisions between the Catholic Church and Israel. It's only 14 years old and has only 12 monks in Spain. Very cool.

We managed to enjoy ourselves quite a bit in Toledo. For Mary that included having a Magnum bar.

Even the tourism office in Toledo is in a beautiful building.

From the perimeter of the city there are great views to the areas down below.

All in all, we three travelers were very happy with our day in Toledo and it was a wonderful place to spend Mother's Day.
Looks like a very cool place to visit.