Thursday, August 8, 2024

Meeting Freddie

This week we arrived in Denver and got to meet Freddie. He's a calm and agreeable baby who likes to spend his days eating and sleeping. He was still on oxygen when we got here. This is because of the elevation in Denver.

Yesterday, which was two days shy of his four week birthday, Freddie got taken off the oxygen. The collective response was: yay!

Lloyd had been at home and not going to daycare. This is because he had Covid. While he had Covid, Troy and Freddie quarantined and John took care of Lloyd. For his last day before returning to daycare, we took him to the park where he could ride his bike.

And swing on the swings.

We're staying in an apartment in John and Troy's building. Lloyd has liked coming down to visit and hang out on our first floor patio. We tried to take a selfie, which is much harder than it seems.

Here's our new neighbor, keeping tabs on what's happening outside our little patio. Lloyd went to daycare on Tuesday. It was a short return, as for the rest of this week and all of next week, daycare's on vacation. Which means we'll be seeing a lot of Lloyd. And by we I mean Brad, as I'm working. John just got out of his own Covid quarantine, so we'll see more of him too. And of course we already see a lot of Troy and Freddie. We're excited to be here for the next 10 days and to be staying just an elevator ride away.


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