Sunday, September 22, 2024

Making Up for Lost Time

Today I have happenings from Harrisons far and wide. Last weekend we were at Geneva's house in Sun City to celebrate her birthday.

On Friday night we went out for Thai food with her three Arizona sons and their wives.

On Saturday we had Friday's group, plus some grandkids and great-grandkids, at Geneva's house for a second celebration. It was a fun weekend.

Now it's time to talk about the newest generation. Over in Poland, Rosie's new bike seat works as well on Jessa's bike as it does on Peter's. She's starting to rack up the miles.

This is Rosie out on a walk with her daycare. Her walking skills are really coming along. I think she still mostly rides in a stroller, but she's persevering with her walking and can go for quite a way before falling.

Rosie is doing her best to study up for her job as everybody's favorite Polish tutor. Fortunately for us all, her daycare has a lot of books and as you can see she's already hard at work.

When she's not learning Polish, Rosie is taking in Polish culture. This weekend she and her parents visited everybody's favorite medieval castle, Malbork.

In 2002, her dad and the rest of our family made our own pilgrimage to Malbork. But I digress.

Over in Denver, there are two sweet brothers.

Freddie is enjoying the perks of being a younger brother. He fits into the cute frog outfit that Lloyd used to wear.

And he gets to wear Lloyd's barbecue onesie and use his bouncy chair.

Speaking of big brother Lloyd, he's a kid who's always on the move. 

Over in Baltimore, this kid is only on the move as much as his/her mom is, but you can see s/he already looks like a baby. Mary's graduated into her second trimester and March 27 is getting closer by the day!



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