Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What the Flashback Hath Wrought

It's kind of interesting (and a bit surprising) to me that most people's favorite part of this blog is Flashback Friday.  But I have to admit, I really like it too.  It's fun for me to look back and connect what we're doing now with what we were doing then.  I guess I'm not alone, because two friends who also have family blogs have adopted weekly flashbacks of their own.  Last fall my friend June, who lives in Malaysia (we met in Japan), started Flashback Saturday on her blog. And just the other day Melissa, who our family knew many moons ago in Racine as "Miss Schiro" when she worked in the afterschool program at the kids' school (now she's a police detective and mom of three), started Flashback Fridays on her new family blog.  Above I made a link to each of their blogs if you want to read their very first flashback posts.  I know that most of you don't know June or Melissa, but if you're a fan of Flashback Friday you can click on the links to see how a couple of other people were inspired by it.  (Can anyone guess who the 3-year old mentioned in Melissa's post is?!)  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. i salute you for being able to do it every week, i am embarass to say that i cant quite get it every week yet but not gonna abandon it, have to be more diligent :) now that you have "advertised" me, i have no choice but to try and have something out on saturdays !! i love yours !
